What is Heart-Centered Storytelling?

Let’s talk about the Super Bowl! 

I know what you’re probably thinking, “The Super Bowl, Sarah? I never pegged you as a football commentator…”

Well, you’re right. I’m not. (I don’t even watch football.) 

This post actually isn’t about the football part of the Super Bowl at all. It’s about the commercials, which in my opinion, are the most exciting part of the game!

It’s no secret that the Super Bowl is known for having some of the best and most elaborate commercials produced all year. Companies pay astronomical amounts of money for each Super Bowl ad. We’re talking 5.5 million dollars for 30 seconds of commercial time. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had marketing budgets like that? 

Alright, we want you to think about your favorite Super Bowl commercials you’ve seen in the past (whether this year or in previous years.) Do you have a few in mind? 

Are there any commercials from this year’s game or even a few from years past that have stayed with you? 

Why is that? 

The way that a particular message is communicated and crafted matters. It changes the impact.  The best and most memorable TV commercials are the ones that communicate with a purpose and aim to make a true connection with the audience. They are the ones that make us feel understood. 

There’s a word for this style of messaging and communication: Heart-Centered Storytelling. 

Heart-centered storytelling is a helpful messaging strategy that isn’t reserved for TV commercials or big corporations. It can be used in creating: 

  • Marketing materials 
  • Email newsletters
  • Blog posts 
  • Social media content
  • Video content

And much more. 

Why is heart-centered storytelling an effective means of communicating with an audience? 

To put it simply, people are longing for connection. We want to feel like we can relate. We want to feel understood. We want to feel like the organizations we support have a purpose we can get behind. 

Think about it… 

We are living in a time when people have never felt more isolated. We’re rounding the corner on a full year of quarantine life and social distancing. The human desires for authenticity and connection couldn’t be stronger. 

Gone are the days of “salesy” promotional materials or social media content. Content created through that lens simply isn’t working anymore. 

What is working? 

Content that your audience finds relatable. Content that utilizes (you guessed it) heart-centered storytelling. 

Think about how you communicate with your audience? What are some ways that you can share more authentically? How can you invite them into the purpose and passion of your work? 

Interested in learning more? 

I have partnered with Emmy award-winning movie producer and storytelling expert, Ken Fay, to bring you the Spring 2021 Heart-Centered Storytelling Workshop. Over six weeks Ken and I will walk you through the concepts and coaching needed to create your own heart-centered video!  

We are limiting participation so we can spend more time with each organization. 

Click here to be the first in line when we open registration! 

Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx

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