Questioning Yourself Through Times of Change

Questioning Yourself Through Times of Change

The one constant in all of our lives is change. For the good, for the bad or simply for the slightly different, change happens. Because we know it will happen, we can proactively plan ahead for changes of all sorts. What are your strategies, or in some cases, coping mechanisms, for dealing with change? This month we will focus on the topic of questioning yourself through times of change for the purpose of learning and making better decisions. While a “go with the flow” attitude might get you by, really stopping to consider the choices you make during transitional times can positively impact the outcome.

You may be wondering where to begin, but the truth is, many times we don’t get to decide when or where. Change tends to happen with or without our permission. Chances are, that first step of change is already in motion. Once we accept the fact that change is imminent, then we can begin to turn our focus to evaluating and prioritizing our goals to better align them with our desired outcomes.

“Setting goals and monitoring milestones can help us better manage ourselves in relation to time.”

Within the past year, we’ve written a blog dedicated to Taking Time for a Fresh Look at Your Goals. There are two valuable take-aways in that article. First, when evaluating your goals, determine whether or not those goals are still valid. As we know, change happens constantly, so naturally, we should take the time to be certain the original goals we started working toward are relevant and current.

Second, time is fleeting. Changes are happening all around us. Is your allocation of time reflected in your goals? Can you do one small thing today to rejuvenate your goal and reignite the motivation to see it through? Too often, we get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of changes and choices, and for good reason. However, we would all do well to remember the solution is there, we simply have to take action.

Here’s a quick run-down. Take the biggest concern you have at the moment. Now, break it down into manageable and actionable steps; at time line of sorts. Each day, or even more frequently if you can, take ONE action step. Just one. Cut out overwhelm (and subsequent feelings of guilt) by focusing on what needs to be done today. Even if it’s just one small thing you accomplish, you will be closer to your goal than before.

We know that is easier said than done, right? Right. Well, understanding that, we all need a bit more guidance and inspiration from time to time. How do you physically take that next step? How can you set yourself up for success to start that one thing? I’ve created a tool (you can download it for free here) to help you wrap your mind around your daily or weekly action plan and conquer changes in your life.

We adopted this insight from the book “The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, highly recommended! If you are looking for more great resources, a smart read, or just some motivational guidance – check out our resources page – where we keep a running list of articles, books and podcasts that our team has found beneficial.

It’s hard to get going on your goals when you are overwhelmed by the number and pace of changes happening. However, once you start setting your plans into motion, creating manageable steps, it gets easier. So start by taking a small step in the right direction. When? Start today. Start anywhere, but start. Because your dreams are worth it. You might not be able to tackle everything all at once, but, you can do the next best thing, just one thing. You might be surprised at where your journey takes you, one day, one week, or one year from now.

Still feeling frustrated or stuck? Have questions that we didn’t answer here? We encourage you to reach out to the Sarah Boxx Team, where we specialize in strategic vision planning to help you reach that next level by exceeding your goals.

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