How’s your Bounce Back Factor?

How’s your Bounce Back Factor?

OK, you may be asking, exactly what is a bounce back factor?

When you think about the phrase “bounce back factor”, what thoughts come to mind?

I’m referencing the motivation and resilience muscle in each one of us. That muscle helps you bounce back from setbacks, obstacles, adversity, self-doubt, or whatever else gets in your way and threatens to stop you from moving forward.

Your bounce back factor is like a muscle that helps you get back up when you have been knocked down. The more you work on strengthening that muscle, the stronger it becomes. Bounce back is tied closely to resilience.

In her 2015 Forbes article, “Resilience — New Research Helps Us Bounce Back Quicker, Better From Life’s Trials And Tragedies”, author Davia Temin shares research about factors that help (and hinder) our ability to bounce back from setbacks.

Number 1 on Davia’s research-informed, 15-item checklist for building resilience, is:

Practice overcoming hurdles in everyday life.

“Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems.”

― Gever Tulley

Number 2

Have a purpose.

Have a purpose, a motivating factor, something that impels you to move ahead. Oftentimes the most powerful purpose is something bigger than yourself. It is that reason which gives you something to draw on when the road is rocky and the going tough, when you face setbacks  For some, it’s a personal challenge. For others, it’s family, faith, community. The most important thing about your purpose is that you honestly own it. It’s yours and not “borrowed” from what the world around you says should matter to you.  Remember… it’s your own motivation and driving force that will help you clarify your purpose and bring your goals to fruition.

Consider this scenario: You’ve just been given negative feedback or less than glowing support for an important project you are working on. Perhaps a funder has told you that future financial support will be tied to a change in their direction; and that will also require a change in your research or work. You might feel frustrated, because you thought you had clear agreements and a shared vision for the future. Perhaps you feel undervalued, overlooked and dismissed for your expertise and the work and progress to date. And it’s highly likely you are deeply concerned that you may no longer have the financial resources to develop and share your knowledge, products or services with those who stand to benefit. You might even feel like giving up, throwing in the towel.

 “Rock bottom became the solid foundation in which I rebuilt my life.”

― J.K. Rowling

Now let’s tie the setback situation to your purpose, your personal driving force.

We can start by building on the conversation in last week’s post, Ready, Set, GO-AL! Be S.M.A.R.T. when Goal Setting as a means to connecting and knowing your motivation and how that relates to achieving your 2019 goals. We gave you access to a free worksheet in that article.

Reflect on the goal you set for yourself in that exercise and let’s put it through the 5 Why’s Process.

Originally the 5 Why’s technique was established to look for the cause and effect of some problem underlying a situation. It relies on an iterative process to uncover the root causes of a situation and help ensure the solutions applied are addressing those issues.

Personally, I find the 5 Why’s useful in understanding motivation; for going deeper than the surface of immediate response about why a goal matters to me at this point in time. Understanding motivation matters to our willingness to dig deep when the going gets tough.

Once we are clear about the real “why” of our goals, and we have gone deep enough to where success and achievement become personal and connected to our values, our commitment level rises, and continues to increase as we become more invested in our true goals.

Trust me, I do dig deep into my “Why’s” when the work seems unclear, I’m just “not feeling it”, I’m tired, frustrated or feeling uncreative. Reminding myself of my motivations, (MY Why’s), increases my self-accountability quotient. I know what the stakes are and how my success will make a difference to me and those around me. And, owning that, increases my courage to reach beyond my comfort zone and stretch into new areas of being, learning and doing.

Why are you going after your 2019 goals now?

For each goal, write your answers to each of the following questions in this order:

  • Why do I want to achieve this goal now?
  • Why do I even care about accomplishing the goal?
  • Why do I care about why I want to accomplish the goal?
  • Why is it important NOW that I achieve this goal?
  • One more time: Why is it important NOW that I achieve this goal?

Then, review your answers and consider if your Why’s, your driving forces, are enough to help you dust off your pants, pick yourself up, and continue moving forward toward your goal every time you are knocked down.

Ask yourself if your reasons are driven by external validation or approval, of fitting in, or going down the accepted path. While those factors may help you keep going, they aren’t strong enough motivators to sustain you long-term.

If your answers don’t provide you the motivation to connect you to your goal, you need to go back and walk through the 5 Why’s again. Do it. Knowing what you want to accomplish (your goal) and your true motivation are key to setting a strong foundation to 2019 goal achievement. (Not to worry, we’ve made it easier for you by preparing a worksheet to guide you along the way.)

“If you quit on the process, you are quitting on the result.” 
― Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability

Remember, your motivation related to the goals that you set can make the difference. When you aren’t connected and anchored to what matters – your purpose – you may not bounce back in the best, most positive way. Bounce back takes practice and application, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t bounce back in the best way, right away.

“You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.”

― Margaret Thatcher

Finally, developing your bounce back factor (BBF), your resilience to adversity is a daily practice. Look for evidence your BBF is increasing. Do these three things now:

  1. Grab your 5 Why’s worksheet here and start enhancing your Bounce Back Factor. Make sure that when you fall down (and we all do) you have what you need to help you to bounce back, stand up and keep going.
  2. Check out the remaining 13 items on the 15-item checklist for building resilience.
  3. Come back next week for the THIRD FREE worksheet in our next blog and the quick video we will post to our Facebook page.

This is the second blog in our 5-part series on Accomplishing Goals and Being Successful in the Coming Year. If you missed the first blog and it’s free worksheet, read and grab here:

To make sure you are notified when the next THREE FREE worksheets are released (or two get the first two), request them HERE.

Be sure to go into your email account and mark a “safe sender” so you’re certain to get our tips and updates.

#BounceBack #getbackup #knowwhy #resilience #keepmoving #womeninbusiness #getup

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