How To Set SMART Goals

How To Set SMART Goals

My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose – somehow we always win out.”

Ronald Reagan

Positive goal setting has become a trendy topic these days. Goal setting comes up often in TED talks and inspirational blog posts. You’ve probably seen social media posts with encouraging messages about setting goals and chasing your dreams. It’s a common thread uniting researchers, influencers and coaches alike.

There’s a reason for that. The messages that come up over and over again are the ones likely to make a true impact on your life.

Whether this is the first time you’ve truly considered your own method for goal setting, or you’ve thought about it a thousand times, I urge you to pause, and to read these words with fresh eyes, as though you were hearing this message for the first time.

Let this message really sink in… it’s that important.

Your goals matter! In life, in business, in relationships…being able to define your current position and identify a clear path for achieving future goals is critical for growth and success.

“This one step – choosing a goal and sticking to it – changes everything!”

Scott Reed

According to Forbes, setting clear goals will allow you to focus your energy, time and resources towards a valuable end and maintain forward momentum in difficult or frustrating moments.

This may sound like a no brainer, but too many people and corporations waste their time and resources because their lack of clarity has them spinning in circles. Furthermore, ambiguous or undefinable end goals often lead individuals to give up their work all together.

How To Set Effective Goals

If you truly want to be successful, it’s important to write SMART goals that are concrete, attainable. The act of writing a SMART goal involves taking the target you hope to achieve and breaking it down into definable pieces. This process ensures that your time and effort are well utilized.

Think about your own goals. What are you trying to achieve? As you consider this target, ask yourself, “Is my goal…”

Specific – Define precisely what you are trying to accomplish.
Measurable – What data will you collect to measure your goal? How will you track progress?
Achievable – Is your goal realistic? Do you have the tools and resources needed for success?
Relevant – Why is your goal important? Does it align with your bigger goals/vision?
Time-Bound – What is the timeline for accomplishing your goal?

For a detailed explanation of each step of the SMART goals framework, check out this “How To” guide created by the University of California.

As you work through the goal setting process, it can be helpful to take time to reflect upon each step of the SMART goals framework before you begin working. I encourage you to grab a journal and take some notes.

It’s also a good idea to find someone in your life, perhaps a coach, mentor, or close friend, and ask them to review your notes. Often another perspective will give you new insights to consider that you may have overlooked on your own.

How close are you to becoming the goal achiever you know you can be?

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