Clarify Your Purpose: How To End The Year As Strong As You Began

Clarify Your Purpose: How To End The Year As Strong As You Began

There are fewer than 100 days left in the year…can you believe it? There’s something about getting down to double digits that can make the passage of time feel fast and furious! Although it may seem like the year just started, we are rounding the corner and headed for home. 

For some, you may look back on the past several months with satisfaction, knowing that you’ve accomplished much of what you set out to do this year. For others, you may realize that somewhere along the way, you lost focus or motivation and you aren’t where you had hoped to be. 

If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.” 

 -Lawrence J. Peter

As you consider your goals, both personally and professionally, it can be easy to fall into the busyness and routine of everyday life. You may find yourself thinking “I’ll get to it next year.” 

But I ask you…why wait? Your goals don’t have to wait for January 1st! True progress isn’t confined to the winter months…in fact, you still have three months of perfectly good days for hard work and progress towards your goals. We may be approaching the end of the year, but that doesn’t mean your life and your goals should be put on hold. 

This is as good of time as any to gain clarity on where you are now, what you still want to accomplish, and how you are going to get there. It’s never too late to clarify your goals. 

“Lack of clarity is probably more responsible for frustration and underachievement than any other single factor. That’s why we say, “Success is goals and all else is commentary.” People with clear, written goals accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them.”
– Brian Tracy 

Clarity regarding your goals, and perhaps more importantly, the “why” behind your goals, is essential for achievement. As you’ve probably experienced, working without a clear end goal or direction is a waste of your time. 

According to a leadership study conducted by Duke Corporate Education, clarity of purpose is widely considered the most important characteristic of truly successful individuals and corporations.

Clarity of purpose:

  • Ensures forward momentum and progress 
  • Provides motivation in difficult moments
  • Unites stakeholders under a common goal 
  • Allows for a better utilization of time and resources

Without clearly defined goals and a thorough understanding of your “why”, you won’t make progress. It’s impossible to succeed if you can’t articulate what you are trying to achieve. 

So, what about you? Are you moving forward on the goals you’ve set for yourself? Or do you need to refine or redefine your goals? 

Don’t let these last few months of the year go to waste! Here are some tips for gaining clarity so you can make the most of your time: 

Reflect – Take some time to think…What am I trying to accomplish? Why am I trying to accomplish these goals?

Write It Out – After you’ve spent time reflecting, write down your clearly defined goals. Being able to clearly and concisely articulate what you are trying to accomplish will provide a clear target to work towards.

Here is a template to get you started. Try it with ONE goal.

I want to accomplish __________ (your goal)

This matters to me because ___________ (your motivation)

I will do this by _________ (???)(the small, daily steps you take to advance the goal)

I will know I have succeeded when _____________ (specific, tangible differences from achieving this goal)

Reread Daily – After you’ve written your goals, post it somewhere you will see every day (perhaps on a bathroom mirror or a sticky note on your laptop). Use this as a personal mission statement to keep you focused.

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