Why You Should Never Stop Learning

Why You Should Never Stop Learning

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

John F. Kennedy

There will never be a time when you stop learning…or at least there shouldn’t be.

If you operate under the impression that the purpose of learning is to achieve a new position, a higher status, then my friend, I’m afraid you’ve been misguided. Reward-driven learning is a common misconception, one that the structure of our society naturally leads us to believe.

Think about it. You work hard to learn in high school so you can get into a good college. The learning you do in college opens doors to graduate schools, and graduate school brings career possibilities. You absorb knowledge and learn all you can at your job to move up to the next position. The pattern continues from there.

But what happens if you reach the final position? The spot in leadership years of learning and professional development helped you achieve?

Are you done? You’ve reached the pinnacle and learned all you can?

Of course not! You probably think the very suggestion sounds ridiculous. Still, you’d be surprised how many leaders stop pushing themselves to learn when they no longer have the goal of a higher position to motivate them.

A leader’s lack of intentionality when it comes to their professional development does not only affect their aptitude and personal success but can be detrimental for the success of their organization and team. Here are three reasons why YOU, as a leader, need to make learning a priority!

Top 3 Reasons A Leader Should Be Continuously Learning

  1. Become A More Effective Leader
    Even the most accomplished leaders have room to grow. What makes a truly great leader stand out from the rest is their commitment to continuous self-improvement and learning. Excellent leaders have the humility and self-awareness to recognize their areas of growth, and they take the time to strengthen those areas.
    Professional development provides opportunities for leaders to continue developing skills such as communication, strategic planning, organizational assessment strategies, and more. These skills and tools will allow them to be more effective in leading their team.
  2. Be A Role Model For Your Team
    As the leader of your team or organization, you set a precedent for what is expected of your team. You become the standard by which others measure themselves. If a leader shows a consistent commitment to excellence, learning, and personal growth, those values and commitments will be mirrored in the actions of your team.
    A team in which the leader and each member who follows his/her example are committed to LEARNING more, DOING more, and BEING more, will be far more effective and successful than a team of individuals who are going through the motions in their day to day work.
  3. Adapt and Grow With Your Industry
    Industries are constantly growing and changing. Advances in technology, economic factors, and global events are just a few of the many things that may impact or influence your industry.
    Successful organizations grow with the industry, rather than continuing the same practices simply because it’s how things have always been done. Effective leaders take charge of this learning so that they can be more effective in guiding their organization in the future. So they can provide valuable professional development opportunities for their teams.

Learning and leadership cannot be separated. If you are ready to take charge of your professional development and become a more effective leader in 2020, you don’t want to miss our 3-day Assess For Success Virtual Summit.

You will gain expert advice and tools that will strengthen your leadership and equip your teams for success. Mark your calendar for March 4-6 and CLICK HERE to save your seat!

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