What Are You Afraid Of?

Did you catch that title? WHAT are you afraid of? 

Notice, I didn’t title this article, “ARE you afraid?” or “How to know IF you are afraid.” 

It’s titled, WHAT are you afraid of?” because we are ALL afraid of something. We all wrestle with fear and insecurity at some level or another.

It isn’t always the same thing. Your fears are likely different from mine, and the insecurities you wrestle with today, may be different than the ones you struggled with five years ago. 

Our fears don’t always impact our lives in the same ways, but when ignored or not dealt with, these fears and insecurities can seriously inhibit our growth and, at times, prevent success entirely. 

So let me ask again…

What are you afraid of? 

Identifying the core fears and insecurities that influence you is the first step towards true growth and progress! 

As I said, everyone struggles with different fears, BUT – there are several “common fears” that come up for many people. Here are a few: 

  • Insignificance: fear of not being skilled or proficient enough for a particular role, or that your hard work and effort will not make an impact. (Ever heard of “imposter syndrome?”)
  • Failure: the fear that your mistakes or setbacks will have a long lasting negative impact on your life or organization.
  • Losing Momentum: the fear that you won’t be able to maintain the success or momentum you’ve already achieved.
  • Being Forgotten: the fear that others will not remember to include you or that your work will not make a lasting and memorable impact.
  • Rejection: the fear that other people will not understand or appreciate you or the work you are doing.
  • Missing Out: the fear that others are having more fun or experiencing more success without you.
  • Change: the fear that the changes that lie ahead will bring BAD consequences rather than good ones. Or that you won’t be equipped to handle the changes you face in a positive and productive way.
  • Losing Control: The fear that something terrible will happen if you cannot manage the details or control the outcome of a situation. 

Do any of these resonate with you? Can you identify with any of these fears?

Chances are, at least one of these common fears hits home. 

SO – what should you do about this? 

Well, that depends on the level to which your particular fears impact your life. Let me explain: 

There is a difference between FEAR and PHOBIA. 

Fear = a natural emotional response to situations that may feel uncomfortable or overwhelming. Fears can often be overcome (or at least managed) through self-reflection, logic, and reasoning. Learning to name the emotions can be challenging. That’s were counseling and guidance can help.

Phobia = takes the natural fear response to a new level. Phobias often have a significant impact on day to day functioning and managing a phobia may require the assistance of a doctor or trained counselor. 

If you are dealing a fear…

    • Start with self-reflection: Identify which fears make the greatest impact on your life.
    • Look for triggers: Are there specific situations or relationships that stir up this fear? Start keeping a running note when your fears and insecurities are cropping up and look for patterns.
    • Name the fear: Research tells us that labeling your fears (ex: That spider is scary!) actually helps to diminish the power of those fear-based emotions.

If you are dealing with a phobia, first let me say, you are not alone! This is far more common than most people realize. I highly encourage you to seek the support of a licensed professional who can give you tools to deal with your specific situation. 

Stay tuned! This blog post marks the first in a series all about dealing with and overcoming fear. The subsequent blog posts in this series will unpack in greater detail and few of the most common fears and how to overcome them. 

Click here to sign up for updates so you don’t miss any of this powerful content! 


Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx





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