The Key to Avoiding Burnout

The Key to Avoiding Burnout

If you’ve ever experienced burnout (and my guess is, you probably have) you know it certainly isn’t fun. 

That’s putting it mildly, I know. 

Burnout is essentially the feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion that can develop after a period of prolonged or intense stress. It can (and usually does) impact many if not all areas of your life including:

  • Your relationships 
  • Physical health 
  • Mental health
  • Work life 

In my recent blog post, The Burnout Breakdown, I unpack many of the common causes of burnout and how it can manifest in your day-to-day life. 

Ready for some good news? 

Burnout is not inevitable. 

That’s right! Burnout CAN be avoided, yes, even if you have stress in your life. 

Now for the question we all are wondering…HOW?

Here are a few helpful tools that can aid in decreasing overwhelm and creating a more balanced, peaceful, and enjoyable life.

  • Getting a good night’s sleep
  • Regular physical exercise 
  • Meditation 
  • Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries

HOWEVER… I’d argue one of the greatest and most impactful tools for avoiding burnout is seeking community with like-minded individuals. 

Let me explain: 

Relationships can offer us a sense of connection, focus, and purpose. They have the potential to energize us and through community with others, we can discover more fully our own strengths, motivations, and passions. 

In essence, we need community.

Now, you may be thinking…

“I don’t know Sarah, I’ve had some pretty draining relationships.” 

It’s true…Some communities and groups are affirming and motivating while others can be exhausting or downright toxic. 


We tend to absorb the feelings and emotions of others. Like it or not, our closest relationships tend to “rub off” on us, at least a little bit. Jim Rohn put it best when he said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” 

The key is finding the people that encourage you to stretch and grow. It may also mean that you need to part ways or draw boundaries with those who don’t. 

For example, if you want to feel motivated, surround yourself with motivated people. If you’re tired of feeling discouraged, it might be time to seek some distance from the “Negative Nancy’s” in your life. 

Seeking collaboration and community with the right people can:

  • Be a source of accountability in achieving our goals 
  • Help us remain focused on the things that truly matter 
  • Teach us new skills and inspire us 
  • Offer encouragement when we feel “stuck” 

If you’ve been struggling with burnout or simply find yourself in need of a community that truly supports and inspires you, my Brilliant Leaders membership program may be exactly what you’re looking for! 

In this community, we offer collaboration, education, and mentorship in your leadership journey! If you’ve been in need of some accountability or just a breath of fresh air in your life, you belong in the Brilliant Leaders community. 

Click HERE to learn more! 

Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx

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