Strong Leaders Become Stronger Leaders

Strong Leaders Become Stronger Leaders

“If you think you’ve already made it, that’s when you can fall short and go backwards.” 

Jason Derulo 

The path to leadership is usually a long one, filled with learning, mentorship, and growth. 

But what happens when you reach the top? Your hard work has paid off and you sit in a position of authority and leadership. 

Now what? 

Is your learning complete? Does your leadership position automatically endow you with the knowledge and insight to handle each and every venture or obstacle your organization faces? 

Obviously not. 

I’m guessing a few of you are rolling your eyes at this very suggestion. 

Even leaders with decades of experience in their field will still face new challenges. Situations they’ve never experienced. Things they don’t know how to handle. 

Think of these moments like a metaphorical “fork in the road” presenting you with two options: 

  • Choose to view these situations as learning opportunities.
  • Ignore the problem until your ability to lead effectively slowly unravels. 

I sincerely hope when faced with these choices, you choose the first. 

Strong leaders acknowledge the simple truth that there is always, always more to learn. 

Investing in your own professional development as a leader is necessary for your continued success in your position, but also has a direct impact on the team and organization you lead. 

Effective leaders make time for professional development because: 

  • It strengthens their personal skillset
  • It connects them with other industry leaders and resources 
  • It keeps them relevant and up to date on changing practices or technology 

Now, I know what you might be thinking…

“I’d LOVE to work on my own professional development…I just don’t have the time or money.” 

If you consider “professional development” to be weeklong seminars or master level classes…that might be true. However, professional development comes in many forms that can truly be accessible to anyone. 

If you are looking for easy ways to invest your professional development, here are a few to get you started: 

  • Leadership Books
    There are books written on just about every leadership topic imaginable. Need to work on time management? There’s a book for that. Need help with handling conversations with donors or investors. There are books for that too. Strengthening your leadership knowledge can be as simple as heading to your local library or downloading an audiobook app.
  • Podcasts
    Similar to books, there are podcast episodes about, well, pretty much everything. You can take advice from some of the world’s greatest leaders. Simply search your podcast app for helpful interviews and start learning today.
  • Virtual Webinars or Online Summits
    If we didn’t know the power of video calling and virtual streaming services before the quarantine, we certainly do now. You can tune into a professional development without leaving the comfort or ease of your home or office.
  • Mastermind Groups
    There truly is no over-selling the importance and power of collaboration. Some of the greatest learning is done by sharing insights with colleagues in your field. The massive popularity of social media platforms has allowed for the easy creation of online professional development mastermind groups, making it easier than ever for you to connect with other leaders in your field.

If you are ready to become a stronger leader and professional development is what you’re looking for, we have an opportunity you don’t want to miss! 

You are invited to join the Intentional Nonprofit Leaders Membership Community group. In this group, we will be working collaboratively to explore and develop your leadership strategies and skills. 

The doors close on June 26th for the Summer 2020 Intentional Nonprofit Leaders Membership! Click here to grab your spot today. (If you are reading this after the 26th, you can put your name on the waitlist. You’ll be the first to know when we open again in January 2021. 

Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx

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