Your Nonprofit Needs Video Content

Alright, friend…let’s talk about something critically important to the success of your nonprofit marketing strategy: video content. 

Different people have different reactions when I mention this. Sure, there are those enamored with influencer culture or those who simply grew up in the social media era (looking at your Gen Z) who find creating video content for an organization exciting! For these individuals, throwing a video on TikTok or hopping live on Instagram stories really isn’t a big deal. 

But I’d venture to guess that is not the sentiment of most people reading this article. 

No, most nonprofit leaders did not begin their nonprofits to become social media video stars. It’s not your expertise or even your desire…and yet, I’m asking you to make video content a priority in your marketing and communication strategy. 

Like it or not…Video content isn’t going anywhere. 

The average internet user is watching 17 hours of online video content each week.  This includes YouTube videos, TikTok and Instagram reels, live videos on Instagram or Facebook stories, and more. Additionally, video content is 52% more likely to be shared than any other type of content. 

To put it simply… 

If you want to: connect with your community, increase your nonprofit’s awareness, drive up partnerships and sponsors, or cultivate more donor relationships, you simply cannot ignore the importance of video. 

Okay, so we know we need to use video content as part of a successful nonprofit marketing strategy…but how? And, more importantly, WHY?

Here are a few options for adding video to your content plan. Each of these strategies can be helpful and productive.


Before you dive in, we want you to be strategic. Read each suggestion and then consider which tactical move(s) would best serve your organization and its long-term strategy best. 

  • Long AND short-form video.
    Both long and short videos have their place in a successful marketing plan. Long videos, typically housed on YouTube, Vimeo, or similar platforms, offer a unique opportunity to share in-depth stories or education.

    With the advent of TikTok, Reels, and YouTube shorts, shorter video clips established an essential role in digital marketing. These shorter clips offer bite-sized pieces of information or a glimmer of a story that (ideally) leaves the viewer thinking, “Tell me more!” 

    Question: What is the purpose of your communication and message? Do you have the time and ability to create videos and share them on a predictable schedule?

  • Plan your content.
    Do you have a strategy and reason for communicating? Is it focused on one or two specific goals, or are you “pop-corning” all over the place? As you plan your content, it’s important to establish different goals (sometimes called “content pillars”) for your videos. Here are a few examples of different types of video content you could share.

    • Answer a frequently asked question. 
    • Share a testimonial story. 
    • Educate about the needs of the clientele your nonprofit serves. 
    • Introduce your team members.
    • Invite viewers to partner in your mission.

Question: What is manageable for you/your team to handle now? Don’t overload yourselves. It’s better to go slow and grow than do too much and stall out.

  • Don’t overcomplicate it.
    Sure, it’s great to have a few high-quality production videos showcasing the work of your organization in a beautiful and professional way. These videos are great to whip out at donor meetings or fundraising events…moments when you need to “pull out the big guns,” as they say.


    Not all video content needs to be a cinematic work of art! A short iPhone recording of you answering an FAQ or a recorded Zoom interview with an industry expert can make great video content as well. What matters most is consistency!

Question: What does your community want to know about?

  • Reuse and recycle.
    You don’t always have to reinvent the wheel. It’s okay (and actually, highly encouraged) to reuse and repurpose content you already have.

    This could be reposting a video with a different caption, cross-posting each video on multiple platforms, or taking a long-form video and pulling 5-10 short clips to create Reels or TikTok posts. 

Looking to get into the video-creating mode using the space and equipment you already have? We are offering a FREE MASTERCLASS – Stagecraft for Impact: Living in the Lens. It’s our gift to all who work to make the world a better place. 

In this 60-minute workshop, you’ll be given video tips and strategies from our resident experts: 

Sarah Boxx: Expert nonprofit consultant with a passion for leading nonprofits to success and excellence.

Ken Fay: Emmy-winning creative professional, bringing a globe-spanning perspective to storytelling.

Truly, the information this power-packed team will share in this FREE MASTERCLASS is game-changing for nonprofits! See you there! 


Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx

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