Simple Ways to Destress This Summer

Simple Ways to Destress This Summer

Do you ever feel like being busy has become a status symbol in our modern American psyche? And, while modern technology presents us with unique opportunities to get out of the office on a beautiful day and take our work on the road to a refreshing space, it also has as downside. It means that our work is always with us, making it pretty tough for us to disconnect and turn off that work. A few weeks ago, we talked about reclaiming summer by using it to continue on the path toward achieving our goals and dreams. But, repurposing summer shouldn’t mean that we don’t take a break or that we abandon those lazy poolside moments. We need those refueling breaks. Because, the truth is, hard work produces good results only up to a point. After that, our capacity for creativity and efficiency dries up and we succumb to stress.

Stress that is left unchecked can do a lot of harm to the body. It can weaken the immune system, accelerate the aging process, and create anxiety. It also makes us more prone to toxic emotions, which leads to ragged relationships. But don’t worry, you can still pursue your overall dreams without losing yourself to overwork. So, take a deep breath, come back to yourself, and continue reading because we have several great tips to de-stress this summer!

  • Take weekly breaks. Schedule yourself one fun summer event each week. It can be as simple as a stop at your favorite ice cream shop or more involved like an afternoon trip to the pool.
  • Learn something new. Think of something you’ve put off because of time or other constraints. Think hobby – not work-related tasks. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try brewing beer or learn more about essential oils. Make sure you engage your brain in something you truly want to learn – not something you have to learn.
  • Take mini breaks daily. Take five minutes every hour to stretch and move, walk down the block, throw the ball to the dog, or do a few yoga poses.
  • Give yourself permission to relax. This will look different for every person because we are all wired differently. Here are some ideas our team came up with to help you brainstorm: unwind with a good book, go for a run/walk/hike, set the atmosphere of your home with candles/music/aromas, turn off electronics, tend to the flowers in your life, splurge on a special treat, linger a little longer at the bonfire, or play with your pets. Just make sure it is something that truly refreshes your soul.
  • Color yourself calm. According to neuropsychologist Dr. Stan Rodski, coloring elicits a relaxing mindset, similar to what you would achieve through meditation. Like mediation, coloring allows us to switch off our brains from other thoughts and focus on the moment. Sarah’s coloring book, The Changemaker Coloring Notebook, even has inspirational quotes to encourage you as you color.
  • Play hooky. Every once in a while it’s a good thing to take a personal day and escape. Just make sure you have a backup plan and network of support so that it doesn’t increase your stress when you return!
  • Laugh more. The American Psychological Association reports that laughs, giggles, and smiles can relieve some of the tension created by stress!
  • Listen to music. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center site, music is an effective stress reducer in both healthy individuals and people with health problems. Research finds that listening to soothing music can decrease blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety levels in heart patients.

Yes, it’s true that summer brings many changes for everyone in different ways. Change in weather, length of days, change in routine, change in mood, change in diet/foods we eat and so on. With all that change, make sure you take time for YOU and take advantage of the season to destress.



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