October’s Open Letters – Thanks For The Inspiration

October’s Open Letters – Thanks For The Inspiration

Listen and Learn

I’m not a big believer in coincidence. Synchronicity? Yes. Trusting that when I pay attention I will get the information I am needing in the moment, whether it is easy to take in or not? Absolutely.

I’ve also learned not to spend too much time “making” myself find or come up with a solution when I am drawing a blank. I don’t give up…I just try to quiet my mind, so I listen to my intuition, to the universe. That includes paying attention to what the people around me, touching my life, are trying to teach me through our interactions.

Whenever I feel “stuck” I’ve grudgingly learned to yield. To release my need to know now, to have certainty. Then, I let my subconscious mind and the inner knowing each of us possesses, work it out. This is not a time-certain process. I can’t schedule it into my weekly planner on Sunday and be positive that by Tuesday, the perfect solution will magically appear. What I can be sure of is that I will have, at the very least, is an inkling of the direction I need to go – a place where I can develop and nurture an idea further, then roll up my sleeves, buckle up, and do the work required in the moment.

Over the past three weeks or so, I have had more than a handful of these moments when I’ve felt stuck on the best next step. So, I took my own advice and I made myself slow down (remember the post, Slow Down Now to Go Fast Later?). Sure enough, each time I was able to find and then take the smallest doable action step in the moment, which propelled me forward with more momentum. It was not easy. Automaticity and habit are easier and allow for a more comfortable environment, rather than examining and changing or refining what has us stuck. That said, the past couple of weeks have been some of the most productive and relaxed for me in a long time. Short term commitments made, long term plans moving forward. More walks taken, time in nature and to reflect and appreciate the day. That’s been in large part due to lessons I’ve learned from people I’ve never met in person. What do I mean by that?

Give Thanks

Well, my next couple of posts are open letters to a few people I’ve never met in person, but whose words, teaching and ideas have helped me grow personally and professionally; to become better equipped to carry out my own mission and vision. Better equipped and excited to move into stretch goals and emerge even more curious and energized on the other side of those goals.

I’m certain many of my readers will already be familiar with these names. But if not, I’ll tell you a bit each one and how they influenced me most recently. It was hard to decide where to start, because their influence is circular and, in some cases, connected to the other people. (In this exercise, I’ve found the concept of six degrees of separation to ring true!) So, I’ll just start with LIFO — last in, first out: John Lee Dumas.

First, some background on John, more commonly referred to as JLD. I “met” JLD when he was a guest on a couple of podcasts I follow (those folks deserve thanks, too).

He’s a high energy, smart and savvy podcast host and founder of Entrepreneurs On Fire, where he’s possibly most famous for asking, “Heyo Fire Nation! Are you ready to ignite?” and dropping “value bombs” throughout. His focus is on helping deliver the inspiration and strategies entrepreneurs need to create the life they want. His amazing online course, Podcasters Paradise, teaches others how to create, grow and monetize a podcast. I am an appreciative student and group member.

If you’ve wanted to learn steps and a process for creating and launching your podcast, JLD and Kate are the “go to” folks in my mind.

The First Letter

Dear JLD and Kate,

First, thanks for your podcast, Podcasters Paradise (PP), and the community you’ve built. I have listened to hours upon hours of your content, and the PP community has been a source of solid information, easy to consume lessons, and exposure to others who I am now walking with as I step into the podcast space.

While I’m “young” in the podcasters’ world, just coming up on my 40th episode, I have become passionate about being on the interviewer’s side of the microphone. 

Yes, I’ve still got a lot to learn, but I’ve taken your advice to heart from our pre-class conversation a year ago when I asked you (John) two questions:

  1. What should I be looking for in terms of growth over time? And,
  2. What’s the most important thing I can do now to succeed in the podcasting world?

Your counsel was invaluable. You advised me to work toward consistent, realistic, (even small at first) percentage gains in downloads and listeners, month over month, compounding over time. You coached me to focus on content and doing the work predictably, on whatever schedule I’d set for the show to post. To always move forward.

In response to my second question about what to do now to succeed in the future, you told me the most important thing was to GET CONTENT OUT THERE. You reminded me that no one loves the sound of their own voice or their first podcast. Everyone can improve. BUT…the only way to improve is to practice (read: create content and get the podcast out there).

And so I have.

Weaving the various parts: planning, recording, editing and connecting with prospective guests into an already-full work week. It’s taken mornings, evenings and weekends. AND, the learning and doing have been energizing (even when scary) all along the way.

Yes, I am still finding my way and improving bit by bit. I’m not looking to be perfect, but to improve each episode and to move forward so I can inspire others to step out and go after their goals and dreams, live the life they know is waiting for them to step up and into.

I have met so many interesting and inspirational women and men and been able to share them with my listeners. I’ve been on the listening end of many other podcasters and learned some techniques and styles that fit me as well, so I am strengthening my skills as I grow. And, my nervousness and fear about being visible via a podcast, as scary as it was at first – now sits quietly beside me. Not banished, but not slowing me down.

I don’t worry about being perfect, I focus on how I can promote and lift my guests. And, afterward, how I can share their message with someone else who may not be in the habit of listening to podcasts, but would truly benefit from the connection. I’ve interviewed folks from across the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and while they were traveling in Peru. 

While I know you hear from thousands each week, this message is my “thank you card” and expression of gratitude to you for the unexpected “gifts” received from you, Kate and the PP community.  

So, thanks JLD and Kate for being the inspiration, motivation and education I needed to get started and to keep going on my own podcast journey.

Next week, I’ll post another open letter to a source of inspiration and motivation that has helped me, most likely without even realizing it. How many people do you inspire or motivate on the daily without noticing? Open yourself up to giving and receiving freely, we all have wonderful gifts and if we share them with the world, we are certain to receive many in return.

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