“It’s Too Hard!”

“It’s Too Hard!”

“It’s too hard.” Be honest with me…

How many times have those three little words entered your mind when faced with new opportunities or challenges?

I’ve certainly been there, and I’d venture to guess, you have too.

“Hard” can mean a lot of things.

It may be that the situation or task is difficult, scary, or simply, outside of your comfort zone.

Perhaps “hard” simply acknowledges that the desired results of a given project or goal won’t be achieved quickly. That’s a tough pill to swallow for those of us (perhaps most of us) that prefer immediate gratification.

It’s normal and natural, healthy even, to assess what new projects, goals, or pursuits are going to require of us. After all, some ventures really are too hard and, honestly, should probably be avoided.

For example, trying to hold my breath underwater for two minutes probably is too hard for me. If I were to give it a go today, there’s a good chance my lungs would give out and I’d be forced to come up early for air, OR I’d pass out in the process.

However…Most of the time, this isn’t the situation. Most of the time, we aren’t truly “incapable” of success.

I’ve found that most of the cases in which we find ourselves speaking the words, “I can’t…it’s too hard” aren’t actually too hard to be accomplished, but rather are hard, but doable with enough effort and motivation.

That’s right. I’ll just come right out and say it…

“It’s too hard” is often just an excuse for inaction.

Where does this excuse come from? Typically fear of some kind. We might fear the possibility of failing in our pursuits or fear the sacrifices that will be required in order to achieve success.

When it comes to achieving our goals, each of us needs to come to grips with an important truth: 

It is going to be “hard” — but hard does not mean “impossible.” 

Now, I’m not saying it will be hard every single day. There will likely be plenty of days when the work it takes to achieve your goals doesn’t feel like work at all! There will (hopefully) be times when you couldn’t be more excited to wake up and chase your goals, when things are “working out” and the progress you are making encourages your next step forward! 

But realistically, there will also be days when:

  • You face a discouraging setback. 
  • Your initial plans don’t work out and you have to pivot. 
  • You just don’t feel like trying.

See what I mean?

The question isn’t, “Will achieving this goal be hard?” but rather, “What will I do when achieving this goal becomes hard?” 

Instead of allowing the possibility of hardship to keep you from doing the work, plan for it! Hardship isn’t something to be feared, simply something to be anticipated. 

With that in mind, here are a few reflection questions to help you prepare for the “hard but doable” moments that will pop up along your goal-achievement journey:

  • What are simple ways to boost my motivation when it is lacking?
  • What helps to calm me down when I feel frustrated or discouraged? 
  • Who can I lean on for support when my own motivation is lacking? 
  • What mantras or purpose phrases will help me in challenging moments? 

If you’d like some help identifying strategies to boost your motivation, click here to take the free Enneagram Assessment. This personality tool will provide unique insights into your personality and what strategies you can employ to support yourself when dealing with challenges.

Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx

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