Is Your Passion Holding You Back?

Is Your Passion Holding You Back?

Typically, when we hear of someone “pursuing their passion” we want to stand up and cheer! It’s inspiring, encouraging, and motivating to see someone chase something that is truly important to them.

Good for them! Right?

Well, most of the time, YES! It is GOOD to have passions and to pursue them wholeheartedly. When this passion is coupled with focus and dedication, amazing things can happen!

But let me ask you something…

Have you ever met someone who seems to be passionate about everything? Each new week they have a new hobby or interest? A new project or business idea? Every new opportunity is exciting. Each new topic is interesting!

Perhaps you’ve even felt this way yourself.

This is one situation where “chasing your passions” can actually get in the way of progress. Namely, when you choose to pursue too many things at the same time. 

Let’s call this OPTION OVERLOAD. Having too many options for how to spend your time, energy or money can cause:

  • Analysis paralysis: Choices are a necessary part of life. Let’s face it, we can’t do everything (even if everything seems exciting.) This reality can cause some individuals to “freeze” when faced with choosing between which passions to pursue and which to let go.
  • Buyer’s Remorse: You may find yourself struggling to enjoy the choices you’ve made because you wonder if the other options would have been better.

If making choices wasn’t hard enough, what happens when new opportunities come along? 

The responsible thing to do in this case would probably be to focus on the things you’ve already committed to and let those other opportunities pass on by. However, I know that’s much easier said than done.

In some cases, new opportunities (ex. New job offers, extracurricular activities, etc.) can become a distraction from the work you are already doing. Sometimes these distractions are temporary. If you’ve ever lost hours watching YouTube videos or reading blog posts about your newest interest, you’ve experienced this.

Other times, these distractions can seriously derail progress by causing you to pause or even suspend work on a particular project before fulfilling your commitment or achieving your desired result. Every once in a while, this probably isn’t a big deal, but if it becomes a habit, you’ll find yourself with a handful of “half-done” tasks but nothing truly finished.

Now, I want to reiterate something…it’s not bad to be passionate! In fact, it’s a good thing! But the passions you choose to pursue need to be rooted in a greater purpose, otherwise chasing each new opportunity may lead you down a path you never intended to walk.

It’s important to take charge of your passions rather than allowing them to rule you. Here are a few tips:

  • Check your motivation. If you are choosing to pursue multiple things at the same time, why? Is this new challenge aligned with a higher purpose? Or could it be a distraction from what you truly should be focusing on?
  • When placed in the position of choosing which passions or interests to pursue, give yourself a decision deadline and stick to it.
  • Give each project a commitment time frame and set a date for when you will reevaluate or consider other options.
  • Remember: You don’t have to make a forever decision, but you do need to make a “this year/month/week” decision. Reframing your mindset in this way can make it easier to say “yes.”
  • Find a community that will help you to stay focused/hold you accountable for your commitments.
  • Stop revisiting your decisions over and over again. I know it’s hard, but you can’t make progress without moving forward.

If you’re ready to gain clarity on what you are truly passionate about and start making a commitment that produces results, I have an opportunity for you!

This November, you’re invited to join my 5-1-1 challenge! In just 5 days, you’ll take the first step towards eliminating at least one of those non-essential activities that are distracting you from your TRUE passion!

Will you accept the challenge?

Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx

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