How Strong Is Your Support System?

How Strong Is Your Support System?

“You can’t achieve anything entirely by yourself. There’s a support system that is a basic requirement of human existence. To be happy and successful on earth, you just have to have people you rely on.”

Michael Schur

If you ask any great achiever how they’ve reached their high level of success, they’re likely to say something along the lines of, “I didn’t do it alone. I had support.”

Think about it…when celebrities give acceptance speeches at award shows, they thank their families who believed in them, the directors who gave them a chance, and the coaches who taught them their trade.

Likewise, when successful businessmen or women are interviewed, they too usually have a long list of people to thank, because the support of their network made it possible for them to achieve great things.

There’s a reason for this. Research shows that having a strong support system positively impacts an individual’s self-confidence and lowers their overall stress. Consequently, individuals with more confidence and less stress are more likely to remain committed to their goals.

Let’s think about your own life…do you have a strong support network in place to help you achieve your goals?

Now, you may be thinking, “Of course I do! I have family, friends, coworkers…I have a support system.”

Well, maybe…or maybe not.

Having a strong support network is more than having people who care about you! In fact, it’s often the people that care the most that may stand in the way of your true success.

Achievement requires growth and growth usually means you are going to change. Close family members or friends may struggle with the idea of you changing and “outgrowing” them, and consequently may stand in the way (whether consciously or subconsciously) of your progress.

It’s important to take a step back and evaluate the true strength and quality of your support network. It’s not enough to hear the words “I support you” if the actions don’t reflect the sentiment. As you consider the quality of your support network, look for these key characteristics:

A good support system…

  • Holds you accountable for reaching your goals
  • Will not “let you off the hook”
  • Offers encouragement as your work towards your goals
  • Doesn’t project their own fears and insecurities onto you

If your support system isn’t as strong as you’d like it to be…don’t worry. It’s possible to build, grow, and redefine your support network.

Steps For Building A Strong Support System:

  1. Define the need
    It’s important to clearly identify what kind of support you need. Do you need a mentor who can give you wisdom and advice? Do you need a motivator who will push you to keep going when times are tough? Or perhaps you’d benefit from a team player who can join you in the daily work of accomplishing your goal.
  2. Find appropriate people for each role
    Depending on the specific type of support you require; different people are likely to be suited for the role. Once you’ve identified your needs, take some time to find the “best fit” person for the job. Then ASK for the type and intensity of support you need at this point in your journey.
  3. Identify which opinions should not hold weight in your life

We all have those voices in our lives that stunt our growth more than encourage it. If you are going to achieve your goals and continue making progress, it’s important to clearly identify which people do not have the privilege of being your “go-to” support system. Then, limit what you share with them and enjoy their company for the other value it adds to your life.

Creating a strong support network is just one of the important pieces of achievement. To see how you are doing with your overall Strategic Vision, take this FREE quiz today!

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