Don’t Forget Your Email List!

Don’t Forget Your Email List!

Ahhh the email list. For some, nurturing an email list is like sipping coffee with an old friend, easy and somewhat cathartic, for others, it’s a massive undertaking that they’d rather not think about.

When it comes to building relationships or marketing your organization, utilizing email can sometimes feel like the oldest trick in the book. After all, email has been around far longer than any social media platform or messaging app.

So here’s the real question…is email marketing still effective?

To put it simply, YES, undeniably so.

Email marketing is still the most effective way to reach your target audience. With an ROI of 122%, email marketing stands above social media, direct content marketing, and paid advertising when it comes to audience engagement and sales conversions.

Unlike social media which is governed by everchanging algorithms that dictate who can see your content, email marketing allows you to connect directly with your audience.

Through the strategic use of an email list, organizations are able to transition interested individuals into engaged supporters. Organizations that neglect their email lists are throwing away a valuable opportunity for connection and support.

Alright, now that we’ve established the importance of your email list, let’s dive into the practical strategies for effective email marketing. (I know…that’s really what you want to know.)

Email Marketing Tips For Nonprofits

  1. Segment Your List
    Grouping email subscribers with common attributes into segmented groups will enable you to create content specifically designed for each group. This adds a deeper level of relevance and personalization to your content.
  2. Add Personalization
    Studies have shown that sending personalized emails can increase your open rates by 26%. Adding recipient’s names to email subject lines or within the body of an email can have a profound effect on the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns.
  3. Regular List Cleaning
    The more often you take time to clean out your email list and remove inactive subscribers, the better you will be able to track your analytics and write targeted content. Take time on a monthly or quarterly basis to clean out your email list.
  4. Maintain A Consistent Schedule
    Attention is lost as a result of inconsistency. Choose a day (or two) each week for sending your email newsletter. Studies have shown that emails sent on Tuesday mornings produce the highest open rates.
  5. Add A Welcome Sequence
    A welcome sequence is an automated series of emails sent to new subscribers of your email list.
  6. Track Your Analytics The only way to evaluate the effectiveness of your email marketing is to track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and email responses. These metrics will help you identify which emails are producing results and which are not. This valuable information is the foundation for creating a stellar email stratey plan.
  7. Automate Your Email List
    If you’ve ever tried to manually run your email list, you’ve probably realized how frustrating (and let’s be honest, impossible) that can be. An effective email marketing strategy requires automation. Programs such as Campaign Monitor or ConvertKit allow you to draft, schedule, and send personalized emails to an entire email list.
  8. Hire An Email Marketing Guru
    With email marketing maintaining the highest ROI over any other content marketing platform, it’s worth investing your time and resources in creating a top-notch email marketing strategy. Hiring an email marketing specialist is an immense asset for any organization looking to boost their communication strategy and achieve greater results.

For more tips and resources designed to help you maintain and grow your organization with strategies that actually work, click HERE for updates on our latest blog and podcast episodes.

Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx


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