Detour: Friend or Foe?

Think back to the last time you took to the road – maybe it was for a work conference or maybe it was a last fling of summer fun with friends and/or family. Either way, you probably had a specific destination in mind. A plan. You knew you where you were going, approximately how long it would take you, and the basic route for getting there.

Until the unthinkable happened.

You were driving along, making great time until you saw that sign that ruined everything: “Road Closed – Detour Ahead”. Huge bummer, right?!?

A detour means your plans are thwarted. Your perfectly-timed trip is now longer and than you had planned.

The same thing happens in our life journey. During the past few months we’ve been talking a lot about the roadtrip of life – this journey that we’re all on. We’ve talked about destinations, obstacles, people along for the ride, transitions and crossroads, and packing the right tools. But, what about when the whole thing gets derailed and a detour makes your destination either unreachable or, at least, a lot harder to get to? Is this new wrinkle in the plan a friend or a foe?

In these moments, you have a few options to help you decide:

  1. Assess the situation. Is this a legit detour or just a temporary slowdown? Discerning the difference is important because it will change your approach to the days ahead. If it’s a slowdown, it might only mess with your timetable. If it’s a detour, it might mean several new steps or even a new destination.
  2. You can ignore the detour. To be honest, we don’t recommend this one because plowing forward when the signs are clear usually leads to disaster. But we must acknowledge that you certainly CAN just drive around the sign and keep going as you planned.
  3. Reroute. Detours force you into places you would never have been to otherwise. You will have the opportunity to see things you would not have seen on the original route. Sometimes the change is for the good. Sometimes it is worse. In truth, detours in life are not always pleasant – sometimes they take us through the dark times. The detour can be a time of reflection and assessment. Maybe it will be a time of really noticing reality rather than rushing forward, oblivious to your surroundings. It can mean opportunities to learn new skills. Or evaluate the wisdom of the destination. Perhaps you’ll even discover that the destination you had in mind isn’t the best option and the detour will actually become THE road.

A detour almost always appears to be a foe at first. But, you might be surprised to find that it becomes a friend in time. Much of it will depend on how you respond to it. As with a crossroads, these turning points often impact and shape us in powerful ways. Even if you end up at the same destination, you’ll likely find yourself stronger and clearer in your vision than ever.

Do you find yourself on a detour right now? How can you use it to your advantage? How can we help?

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