October Open Letters – Gifts of Gratitude

October Open Letters – Gifts of Gratitude

Did you know there is good science behind gratitude and its effects on our mental health? As you might imagine, managed care organizations and health care providers are interested in how gratitude can play a role in improved health and well-being because of bottom line benefits – from both a fiscal and a human resource perspective. The good news is, the practice of gratitude seems to hold promise. An article published by UC Berkeley goes into more detail on how gratitude is good for your health. A study done at the University a few years prior showed that when paired with counseling, individuals reporting clinically low levels of mental health who wrote gratitude letters felt better four and 12 weeks later, as compared to a group that wrote about negative experiences, and another that did not write at all.

Even without the research, there is general agreement that the practice of gratitude shifts our minds in a way that benefits us, mentally, physically, emotionally or otherwise.

I know it’s true for me.

“Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?”

Got “your knickers in a twist?”

Five minutes of writing and visualizing what you are grateful for can set you back on solid ground. Even better, it changes how you look and feel inside and out, sometimes imperceptibly – but it does. You begin to see just how many things there are to be aware of and grateful for each day. Yes… I know some days life can be tough; tragic even. Yet, as bad as it seems, it could be worse.

That is why for the month of October, I am writing thank you letters. Just because I feel better acknowledging the skills, wisdom and kindness extended to me, often from people I’ve never met in person.

With that as a tee up, this week’s letter goes out to Amy Porterfield.

Don’t know Amy?

Amy Porterfield, of Marketing Made Easy, is considered one of the best online business marketing experts, helping business owners skyrocket success through engagement, online training courses, and applying online marketing strategies. What I love about Amy is her sincerity, transparency, and true focus on those we business owners and operators are in business to serve.

As a WTC student of Amy’s and a listener of her Online Marketing Made Easy podcast, I’ve learned, grown and stretched out of my comfort zone. (I like the stretch even when it’s a bit scary at first).

Which is why I’m writing this week’s gratitude letter to Amy.

Dear Amy,

As a Webinars That Convert student and regular podcast listener, I’ve benefited from you for more than two years running. While I’ve learned and applied your teachings, it was something you said in a recent podcast that I am most grateful for today.

Here’s what you said and what happened after I listened to Episode #226: What to Focus On When You Are Just Starting Out. First off, you assured us listeners that even though we might not just be starting out, the podcast could serve as a good reminder. That we should consider the five focus areas as a “check-up checklist” for our business – whether planning quarterly or for an annual update.

So, I laced up my shoes, grabbed my dog and my earbuds, and headed out the door for some exercise and education as you covered the five key areas to focus on when you’re just starting out.

And there it was, half way in, the nugget of wisdom I needed to hear that day: FOCUS AREA #3: The importance of choosing ONE platform to focus on in the beginning and creating original, consistent content there on a weekly basis.

As you dove into the topic and explained why it was important to have ONE platform of focus, you emphasized the need to avoid “shiny objects”. You stressed the need to focus on building the business by attending to those tasks and activities which ultimately lead to developing and delivering high value content. And, looking for places where we could shift tasks to others better suited to them, freeing us up to better serve our clients.

Message received.

My online business manager and I were starting our business planning for 2019. We were able to drill down on a couple essential goals. And, while I wasn’t sure where I could shift other tasks just yet, I was open to considering options as they arose.

And then, it happened, like another strike of lighting. In the September 7 newsletter to the Podcasters Paradise community, John Lee Dumas introduced us briefly to Gabe Murillo, Founder of Podcasting Press, and his services to support podcasters. With four recorded episodes waiting for me to edit and get ready for upload, and nothing to lose, I took advantage of his free trial and submitted one episode.

Immediate payoff? At least two hours of my time reclaimed. So, I signed up for more support.

But wait, there’s more… I wanted to know more about Gabe, his business model and philosophy. I reached out and two days later we met over Zoom, he in Chile and me in Northern Nevada. I now know more about him, his vision for the future, his personal drivers for business, and that he is a No Labels, No Limits kind of person. Our values are in sync, which always influences where I invest my resources. And, he’s agreed to be on my show later this year. The synchronicity was clearly abundant!

So, Amy, I am not sure I would have been as open to getting help from Gabe and his team had I not just listened to your podcast and wise counsel. Timing is everything. And, because I listened and acted, I now have back 12 extra hours (maybe more) in my month. Three hours a week. That’s a lot.

My challenge to each person reading my post is this: Pick up the phone and make a call just to say thanks to someone that’s contributed to who you are today. Not a phone person? Totally OK, then grab pen and paper (not a text or email) and write a personal note. Don’t overthink it, just a few sentences are all you need.

Do it for the exercise of gratitude.

Expect nothing back. No acknowledgment, whatsoever.

Just send your message into the world and know it will land where it will and be received as a person is able.

After that, pay attention to just how many other people come to mind that you could thank with a call or note tomorrow. And remember,

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

~William Arthur Ward

Eager for more ideas? Visit our blog or Facebook page for more inspiration on living a life filled with gratitude and other tips, tricks and insights to help you along your path.

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