Put Your Results to Good Use: A Guided Reflection on the Enneagram

Put Your Results to Good Use: A Guided Reflection on the Enneagram

Have you ever taken a personality assessment, only to let the results stay buried in your email inbox?!

You meant to do something with it, but months go by and you’re left wondering, “What do all these letters mean?” or “What was my type again?” 

I’ve certainly been there. Life gets busy and things get forgotten. It happens!

But let me ask you something…What if we didn’t let that happen?

What if we actually used our assessment results to make a positive impact on our lives?

If you saw my posts from earlier this month, I encouraged you to set aside some time to take my Wheel of Life Assessment and the Enneagram Assessment. (If you haven’t had a chance to take a look at these tools, STOP right here and check them out!)

The Wheel of Life is a short and simple tool that will give you a brief snapshot of the overall balance of your life. It breaks down life into 9 key categories and helps to identify areas in your life that may be out of balance.

The Enneagram, on the other hand, is a significantly more comprehensive personality framework that helps to identify some key characteristics of your personality type. This includes core fears, desires, and motivators.

Once you’ve taken these assessments, it’s time for some reflection!

Since I know you’re busy and don’t need one more thing on your plate, I’ve decided to do the prep work for you! This post will serve as a guide for your reflection time. All you need to do is show up and spend some time pondering these questions.

Practicals to consider before you begin:

  • Timing
    If you’re anything like me, if it isn’t scheduled, it just doesn’t happen. I recommend pre-scheduling a time to review and reflect on your Enneagram and Wheel of Life assessment results.

    • Set aside a large chunk of time for personal reflection (ex: Saturday morning 8-12 am) 
    • Reserve smaller chunks over the course of a week (ex: 7:30 – 8 am Monday-Friday)
  • Environment
    As physical beings, we are impacted by our environment. Different settings can be more or less distracting. Different elements can promote focus while others can deter it. These are different for everyone so it’s important to consider your own environmental needs before beginning this reflective exercise.
    • Things to consider: 
      • Location (ex: back porch, bedroom, coffee shop, etc.) 
      • Sounds (ex: total silence, background music, etc.) 
      • Lighting (ex: natural sunlight, ambient lamps, etc.)
  • Supplies
    A good reflection doesn’t require much. At a minimum, I’d encourage you to bring your assessment results and a way to take notes. This could be a journal, laptop, or even the notes app on your phone. 

Alright, now that we’ve gotten the practical details in order, let’s dive into the reflection! Below are some guided questions I’d encourage you to use as you reflect on your Enneagram and Wheel of Life results. 

Important Note: These questions are meant to be a guide. They are a starting place, not a box you must occupy. If other thoughts, questions, or ponderings come up along the way, go with that! 

Wheel of Life Reflection Questions: 

  • Are your top priorities and values aligned with the current balance of your life? 
  • If your priorities are misaligned, why? What is getting in the way?
  • What is one area you can intentionally focus on for the next month or two? 
  • What practical steps will you take in this focus area? 

Enneagram Reflection Questions: 

  • What new insights have you learned about yourself? 
  • Does your type surprise you? Why or why not? 
  • What words or type descriptors resonated with you the most? Why? 
  • What is ONE way you will champion yourself in the coming week? 

Interested in diving deeper into the default settings of how you think, feel, act, and react? Enneagram coaching may be for you! During each coaching session, I’ll work with you to unpack the nuances of your personality type. We’ll uncover your strengths and unhealthy tendencies in a nonjudgmental way. We’ll explore where your Type often gets tripped up and delve into your unique path to personal growth.

Schedule a free 15 minute call to learn more!

Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx

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