Now What? Putting Enneagram Results To Good Use

Now What? Putting Enneagram Results To Good Use

Professional development can be a tricky thing. 

We’re told we are supposed to present our teams with opportunities for learning and growth, both as individuals and as a collective group. Don’t get me wrong…this is a GOOD thing!

But time and time again, I see teams fall into the same trap: 

They make the time (not to mention investment) for professional development (PD) resources only to let the fruits of this time be forgotten. The PD resources become one more paper in the filing cabinet or email in the inbox, never to be spoken of again.

Can you relate? 

I’ve seen this happen countless times with the Enneagram Assessment

As I mentioned in my blog post, “Meet Your Team”, there are several unique benefits to using the Enneagram assessment within the professional setting. 

Motivated leaders (much like yourself) will make the decision to implement this assessment tool. Each team member will take time to complete the assessment and discover their unique personality type. However, once the tests have been taken and results delivered, leaders and team members alike are often left wondering…

“Now what?” 

Instead of letting your Enneagram results “collect dust” on the proverbial shelf, here are a few “next steps” for putting these results to good use: 

Group Debriefing

After each team member has had the chance to complete the assessment, I recommend setting aside some time for group discussion and reflection. The goal of this “debriefing” meeting is for individuals to share what they’ve learned with the group. 

Discussion prompts may include (but are not limited to): 

  • What is your individual type? 
  • What surprised you about your type? 
  • What resonated with you about your type? 
  • What are a few ways you see your type influencing the way in which you work? 

I highly recommend bringing in an Enneagram coach or consultant to facilitate this group discussion. Having a trained professional guiding the conversation can lead to more fruitful sharing, not to mention, allowing you as the leader to be an equal participant in the discussion.

Ongoing Professional Development

The full impact and value of the Enneagram simply cannot be unpacked in one day. Your team won’t have the team (or mental capacity) to discuss all of the potential applications of the Enneagram results in one meeting. There’s just too much to cover. 

Instead, I recommend scheduling ongoing professional development workshops on a monthly or quarterly basis. These workshops will allow you to unpack the Enneagram at a deeper level while also ensuring it doesn’t become another “one-and-done” assessment tool. 

Workshop topics may include: 

  • The Enneagram types and conflict resolution styles 
  • Approaches to communication based on type 
  • The Enneagram “Centers” (Heart, Gut, Head) 

Year-End Reflection 

As with any good professional development, the true impact and worth is measured over time. The truly meaningful resources are the ones that shift our behaviors, attitudes, and perspectives. 

To assess the impact the Enneagram has had on your team, I recommend having each member complete a year-end reflection. 

Reflection questions may include: 

  • In what ways has learning about your Enneagram type impacted your perceptions of yourself? 
  • In what ways has the Enneagram impacted the way in which you appreciate and approach your colleagues? 
  • In what ways has the Enneagram impacted your personal and professional development goals? 

If your team has taken (or will be taking) the Enneagram assessment and is looking for continued development and growth, I’d love to help! Click here to learn more about how guided team Enneagram coaching can make a difference for your organization!

Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx

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