If You Feel Like You Are Doing Too Much…You Probably Are

If You Feel Like You Are Doing Too Much…You Probably Are

At some point or another, we’ve all been there. 

You know the feeling. Overloaded. Overworked. WAY too much on your plate. 

Short seasons of “too much” are usually manageable. 

For example, the hurried frenzy of the last week before a big vacation can often be extremely busy. Between preparing to be away from work and packing for your trip, you very likely may feel that “chicken with it’s head cut off” kind of week. It’s a pace that no one can sustain long-term, but for a few days, it’s doable. 

HOWEVER, when “too much” becomes the norm and not the exception, you will run into problems. 

It’s exhausting, to say the least. Seasons of extreme busyness can leave you feeling burnt out and overwhelmed.

You may find that activities you once enjoyed now feel burdensome. The time and effort you are able to put into your commitments will inevitably decrease, taking a toll on the quality of your work. Your physical, mental, and emotional health may even decline due to the unsustainable pace at which you are living life. 

In other words, it’s never a good idea to take on too many commitments at the same time…and yet, we do. 


How do we get to the point of doing “way too much?” Here are a few likely culprits: 

  • You always say yes:
    Simply put, you “people please.”  The desire for affirmation, approval, or conflict avoidance has left you saying “yes” to just about everything you are asked to do.
  • You need to be in control:
    You worry that others may not do the job to your standard, so you choose to do everything yourself.
  • Your time is precious:
    You’re already overwhelmed and the idea of taking time out of your busy schedule to train someone else to take some of the load feels impossible.
  • You don’t know where to start:
    You’d love to unload a few tasks. You’re totally open to delegating…but you simply don’t know what you can actually get rid of.
  • You have a passion for everything:
    There is much that doesn’t interest you and most new opportunities seem exciting! Your natural curiosity has caused you to say “yes” without really considering whether or not you have the bandwidth for a new commitment. 

Perhaps one of these jumps out as the obvious culprit for your “overcommitment.” Or maybe your incredibly full plate is the result of a variety of factors, all working together. Regardless of the reason, taking on too much isn’t helpful for anybody.

So, what can you DO about it? 

Start by making a list. (Gotta love a good list!) Write down everything you do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Be as thorough and detailed as you can. You may find it helpful to consider different “arenas” of life, one at a time (Ex: work, parenting, household responsibilities, etc.) 

Once you have your list, take each item and categorize it into one of three primary groups: 

  • Tasks that absolutely must be done by you.
    These are items that you will need to prioritize, as they cannot be completed by anyone else.
  • Tasks that are not essential for your life.
    Consider eliminating some (or all) of these tasks to free up your time for more important endeavors.
  • Tasks that are important but don’t necessarily require YOU.
    These are items to outsource. Think outside the box with this one…what are you currently doing that someone else COULD do? (Ex: Grocery delivery instead of grocery shopping)

Refining your commitments is a necessary part of living a well-balanced and successful life. In my Brilliant Leaders membership, you’ll find support and accountability as you take a look at your own life and work to transition your life from “too much” to “just right.”

Want to learn more? 

Add your name to the list, and we’ll let you know about upcoming events and mini-challenges. 

Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx

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