How to Maintain Momentum in the Final Quarter: Staying Connected While Moving Forward

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How to Maintain Momentum in the Final Quarter: Staying Connected While Moving Forward

As the final quarter approaches, the pressure can feel intense. Deadlines loom, goals we set at the start of the year come back into focus, and it feels like there’s so much to do. But before diving into “productivity mode,” let’s remember: momentum isn’t just about what we accomplish—it’s also about who we share the journey with and how we take care of ourselves along the way.

Staying Connected

When the pressure builds, it’s tempting to work in isolation, thinking we’ll be more productive on our own. We tell ourselves, “If I just power through, I’ll get it done faster.” But often, this leaves us feeling drained and, ironically, less productive. What if, instead, we intentionally stayed connected to the people around us?

Real conversations—whether with friends, colleagues, or loved ones—can keep us grounded and remind us that we don’t have to do everything alone. Collaboration and shared progress can reignite motivation and help us move forward together.

Collaboration Over Isolation

We’ve all pushed through projects solo, but working alone can lead to burnout. Giving feedback or collaborating with others can provide the spark you need to keep going. The energy that comes from working with others often makes the journey more enjoyable and sustainable. From the daily to the heroic.

In Beneath a Scarlet Sky, Pino Lella’s journey through WWII wasn’t one he could walk alone. His connections helped him stay focused, even in the darkest times. Like Pino, we don’t have to go it alone. Support from others can help us keep our momentum and stay resilient.

Authenticity in Relationships

Fear of judgment often holds us back from authentic connections. But what if we showed up fully without worrying about how we’ll be perceived? (Don’t misunderstand; I’m not promoting rudeness or callousness as an excuse or guise for being “authentic.”

However, I am suggesting that hiding who we are leads to accepting less of ourselves and our abilities.

When we’re authentic in our relationships, we invite others to do the same. Honest, meaningful connections fuel personal and professional growth. They provide a space to receive feedback, reflect, and stay true to who we are.

Dr. Shanelle DuBose discusses this in her No Labels, No Limits podcast.  She reminds us that overcoming limiting beliefs starts with nurturing genuine relationships. Showing up as our full selves—not just who we think we should be—unlocks our potential and keeps us moving forward.

Honest Feedback: A Tool for Growth

Feedback from trusted sources is a powerful tool for growth. It helps us see our blind spots and adjust when necessary. Feedback isn’t about seeking approval—it’s about accountability and development.

In her episode on proactive rest, Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith highlights the importance of taking care of ourselves while pushing forward. Honest feedback about how we work, or rest can help us improve without hitting burnout.

Proactive Rest for Sustained Momentum

As the year wraps up, it might seem counterintuitive to slow down, but rest is essential to sustaining energy and focus. Dr. Dalton-Smith’s message about proactive rest reminds us that taking time to breathe, reflect, and recharge isn’t lazy—it’s strategic. By making space for rest, we can maintain momentum without burning out before the finish line.

Moving Forward Together

As the year closes, consider how you want to keep your momentum. Can you reach out to someone on a similar path? Can you collaborate instead of working solo? Can you show up authentically in your relationships, knowing that genuine support and feedback will help you stay on track?

We don’t have to do it all alone. Let’s lean on each other, take breaks when needed, and remember that our connections—both personal and professional—help us move toward our goals with energy and grace.

How are you maintaining your momentum? I’d love to hear your thoughts as we continue this journey together.
And, if you are curious how your Enneagram personality might influence your answer and actions, take your free assessment here!


Resources mentioned in the post, along with corresponding weblinks:

Dr. Shanelle DuBose – No Labels, No Limits podcast. Dr. Shanelle DuBose emphasizes the significance of a strong support system, setting boundaries, and nurturing relationships for personal growth. Her feature in Oprah magazine resulted from asking a powerful question in a contest, highlighting the importance of facing fears and taking action. Episode 358 – Evolve: Embracing Discomfort for Leadership and Innovation with Dr. DuBose 

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith – No Labels, No Limits podcast. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith discusses the importance of proactive rest and how it can help maintain balance, energy, and focus, especially in today’s busy world. This idea of rest as a proactive, intentional choice aligns with transitioning into the busy fall season with clarity and purpose. Episode 184: Proactive Rest for Sustained Momentum

Mark T. Sullivan – Beneath a Scarlet Sky on Amazon  Beneath a Scarlet Sky is based on the true story of Pino Lella, an Italian teenager who helped Jews escape during WWII. It’s a gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and the drive to do what’s right, even in the most dangerous circumstances. Pino’s story shows how staying true to one’s values and focusing on the bigger picture, even in difficult circumstances, can help maintain motivation and achieve goals.

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