How Achieving Your Goals Will Transform You

How Achieving Your Goals Will Transform You

So, you have a dream. A big goal that is propelling you forward toward a future vision. You know what success will look like and you’re aware of your motivations. You have thought through your support system and know where you’ll turn for advice/help. Maybe you can even see all the ways it will change your world and impact the people around you.

But have you considered how achieving your goal will change YOU?

There is a Chinese proverb that says: “The journey is the reward.” I think there’s a lot of truth packed into that small phrase. Once you achieve a significant goal, you will not be the same person you were when you set out on the journey! The process of achieving your goal will have changed you. This is why the journey is the reward.

Some of that change happens reactively as you move through new challenges. But a lot of it happens proactively as you assess what it will take for you to move forward. So, at the onset, it’s important to ask the question: What will you need/be willing to learn, do, or become along the way?

It’s important to ask this question early in the process because it will help you better understand the changes / growth that will be required of you as you embark on your dreams. It will help you assess things like: your limiting beliefs (how you see yourself), your comfort zone, your use of time, your habits, your health (exercise, sleep, nutrition, spiritual), your finances, and your education. Is there training or a skill development you need to embrace? Do you need to get more sleep because of the demands of the day? Do you need to save a little more each month and forego some luxuries so that you have enough to invest in your venture?

As you move through this process of self-assessment, it will do a couple of other things. First, it will begin to make your big goal/dream more concrete and actionable! And, that’s always exciting! Second, it provides information to help you prioritize and set timing. Do you take a class to learn a new skill first or do you set better personal habits first? Not all change/growth is needed at one time. In fact, some growth has multiplier effects as it builds over time.

To help you with this process of reflection, we’ve included another downloadable worksheet for you. It will help you think through what you need to Learn-Do-Experience to get to your dreams. Just click here to download the PDF.

And keep in mind that the person you become when you reach a significant goal is a person who is more likely to achieve future goals. This process and the things you learn about yourself along the way will make you more likely to push forward in all areas of life and transform you inwardly.

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