But, What If There’s More…

But, What If There’s More…

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” — Pablo Picasso[1]

Last week, we explored whether our commitments and activities truly serve us and those around us. This week, let’s take it a step further. Instead of just asking if something serves us, let’s look at it from a new perspective:

Is There a New Twist?

Sometimes, what no longer serves us can be a gift to someone else, or it can take on a new meaning when viewed through a different lens.

To guide this process, let’s R.E.V.I.E.W.

  • RReimagine: Consider objects, activities, or even beliefs that may feel stagnant. Is there a way to reimagine their purpose or role in your life?
  • EExtend: Could something that no longer serves you extend value to someone else? It’s time to pass on that piece of furniture, share an old habit with a friend, or give your time to a new cause.
  • VValue Shift: What once held meaning for you might now need a different context. Has the value of particular traditions, items, or commitments changed over time?
  • IInspire: Look at your surroundings and routines for ways to inspire others. What can you offer, or what might inspire you to take action in a new direction?
  • EEvolve: As we grow, our needs and priorities evolve. It’s natural to let go of the old to make space for the new. Embrace this evolution with gratitude.
  • WWiden: Widen your perspective. Think beyond yourself and your immediate circle. Could something you’re holding onto be more meaningful to others or take on a new significance in a different context?

As we move from questioning whether something serves us to exploring new meanings, the benefit becomes clear: by shifting perspective, we open the door to unexpected possibilities.

For example, I recently found an old journal I hadn’t touched in years. Initially, I considered it just another item to toss, but upon reading a few pages, I realized it was filled with ideas I’d forgotten about—ideas that could inspire new projects or reignite a forgotten (set-aside) goal.

What once felt like clutter now has a new purpose. By reimagining its value, we can evolve it to meet our current needs.

Unlock Hidden Potential – 3 Tips…:

  1. Take Inventory: Walk through your home, workspace, or daily routines. What no longer serves its original purpose? Is there something you’ve been holding onto that’s ready to be passed on to someone else?
  2. Journal the Possibilities: Write down a list of items, commitments, or habits you need clarification on. Reflect on whether they can be reimagined or given a different meaning in your life or someone else’s.
  3. Take Action: Choose one thing—donating an item, shifting a habit, or letting go of a belief—and take action. Doing so will create space for something new to enter your life.

Here’s to You

This week, I encourage you to share a story or picture of something you’ve reimagined or repurposed. Whether it’s a physical object or an old tradition seen in a new light, let us know how you’ve given it new meaning.

Post about it on social media and tag us, or simply share it with a friend who might be inspired by your reflection.

Join our community and have it shared in an upcoming newsletter.


[1]Krashen, S. (2016). The Researcher’s Perspective: The Purpose of Education, Free Voluntary Reading, and Dealing with The Impact Of Poverty. School Libraries Worldwide. https://doi.org/10.29173/slw6901

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