Savoring Saudade: Summer’s Sweet Farewell

Savoring Saudade: Summer’s Sweet Farewell

Here we are at the end of August. Labor Day is right around the corner. This is often the last camping trip, visit to family or friends, or city exploration trip before the holidays begin.

Many may feel mixed emotions about the changing seasons and the return to school or work routines. We may feel nostalgic for the warm days, the relaxed pace, and the fun memories we made during the summer. We may also feel excited about the fall’s new opportunities, challenges, and learning.

But how do we name this bittersweet longing for something gone or not yet here?

One possible word is Saudade, a Portuguese term with no direct English translation. Just listening to the word being said gives a sense of its weight.

According to the Oxford Languages dictionary, Saudade is “a feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia that is supposedly characteristic of the Portuguese or Brazilian temperament.” Some sources say that Saudade can also imply a sense of hope, joy, or gratitude for the past or the future. Saudade is not a negative or positive emotion but rather a complex and nuanced one that reflects our human condition.

How can we use the concept of Saudade to help us transition from summer to fall with more ease and grace?

One way is to connect it to the three centers of the Enneagram, a system of personality types that describes how we perceive and respond to the world through our head, heart, and body.

Each center has strengths and challenges; by balancing them, we can achieve more harmony and well-being.

Let’s take a look.

The head center, which includes types 5, 6, and 7, is the center of thinking, reasoning, and planning. It helps us to analyze, strategize, and envision the best course of action.

When we feel Saudade, we can use our head center to reflect on what we learned and enjoyed during the summer and what we want to achieve and explore in the fall. We can also use our head center to cope with any anxiety, doubt, or distraction that may arise from the change of pace and expectations.

The heart center, which includes types 2, 3, and 4, is the center of feeling, relating, and expressing. It helps us to connect, communicate, and create with ourselves and others.

When we feel Saudade, we can use our heart center to acknowledge and share our emotions, appreciate and celebrate our relationships, and overcome any pride, shame, or envy that may prevent us from being authentic and compassionate.

The body (gut) center, which includes types 8, 9, and 1, is the center of doing, moving, and acting. It helps us to take initiative, adapt, and accomplish our goals.

When we feel Saudade, we can use our body center to embrace the present moment and prepare and execute our tasks. We can also use our body center to resist any anger, complacency, or resentment that may hinder us from being effective and responsible.

By integrating the head, heart, and body (gut) centers, we can savor the Saudade of summer’s sweet farewell and welcome the new season with curiosity, enthusiasm, and confidence. We can also use the Enneagram as a tool to better understand ourselves and others and to grow and develop as individuals and as a community.

If you want to learn more about the Enneagram and how it can help you navigate the shift from summer to fall, you can take a free online test here or sign up for a private 90-minute session with Sarah Boxx, Certified Enneagram Coach, for only $250.

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