Seamless Shift: Sun-Season to School-Season

Seamless Shift: Sun-Season to School-Season

As summer fades into fall, we all seek our footing in this season of change.

At the same time, we want to keep the vibe of summer as long as possible. So, we will play a bit throughout August as we seamlessly shift from longer days of sun to the school year routine. All while keeping it light and staying curious.

Let’s get going.

It’s common for seasonal changes to throw us off balance. I know they do for me. The days grow shorter, and the evenings are a bit cooler. The amount of “time” I have appears to shrink – especially since I crave the sun (no matter the season or temperature). I can manufacture stress and worry about maintaining what exists.

How do you find your balance and stride with enthusiasm, confidence, and energy as summer wanes and seasons change?

Does your approach align with one of the Enneagram Types?

  • Type 1s-The Reformers thrive on creating structured routines and setting clear goals, making them champions of orderliness.
  • Type 2s-The Helpers shine by connecting with others and nurturing relationships, ensuring no one faces changes alone.
  • Type 3s-The Achievers are all about refocusing on personal and professional growth—setting their sights high for the coming months.
  • Type 4s-The Individualists dive deep into introspection, drawing inspiration from the poetic shift in seasons.
  • Type: 5s-The Investigators are eager to learn and explore fresh ideas and skills. New course or class, anyone?
  • Type 6s-The Loyalists seek stability and security, grounding themselves in trusted connections while navigating new challenges.
  • Type 7s-The Enthusiasts listen as adventure calls, beckoning them to chase excitement and novel experiences to invigorate their spirits.
  • Type 8s- The Challengers assert their strength, focusing intently on personal and professional domains to master the art of leadership.
  • Type 9s-The Peacemakers seek peace and harmony, balancing the energy around them with a calm, soothing presence.

Recognizing diverse approaches helps us appreciate and support ourselves and others. It is the first shift from “Sun-Season to School-Season,” as seen through the lenses of different Enneagram Types.

Let’s make #August a transition month to remember!

Stay tuned for next week’s post, where we’ll explore how to savor the late summer vibes and seize the opportunities they bring.

P.S. Don’t know your type yet? Find out for free HERE.

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