Make Your Move – Maintaining Momentum

Make Your Move – Maintaining Momentum

Have you ever found yourself waiting for just the right moment to start working on a goal?

Perhaps you are waiting until you have more time? Maybe you want your bank account to grow before taking on another project? Or possibly you are waiting for the motivation to get started waiting until you feel like it.

Here’s the problem: if you are waiting for the perfect time to accomplish your goals, there’s a good chance you’ll never get started.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret: successful people don’t always feel like working on their goals. Sometimes they don’t want to put in the long hours it might take to finish a project. They might not always feel like scheduling time to talk with mentors or investing their hard-earned money into professional development workshops or coaching programs. But, they do it anyway!

Why? Because success has more to do with momentum than motivation. It’s about action, not feelings.

Sometimes, forward progress will require you to choose to do that which you may not feel like doing.

You’ve probably heard of the law of inertia?

“Objects in motion will stay in motion, and objects at rest will stay at rest.”

Although you may be having flashbacks to high school science class, this law doesn’t just apply to physics. It also has everything to do with goal achievement.

If you want to make real progress towards your goals, you’ve got to start moving! Momentum builds with action, and consequently, motivation follows momentum, not the other way around.

Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”

Conrad Hilton

Let’s take a second to consider your goals. What are you hoping to achieve? What does success look like? Make sure your answer is specific and clear.

Once you’ve established what you are trying to accomplish, it’s time to start making some progress by creating momentum for yourself.

Perhaps you are thinking, “I know my goals…but I’m still not making any progress!” If this is you, it’s essential that you stop to consider, “why?” What are the obstacles you believe prevent you from taking action?For many individuals, self-doubt and procrastination are the roadblocks. Alone or together they slow momentum and ultimately goal achievement. The reality is, everyone experiences self-doubt at one point or another. Everyone.

What sets truly successful individuals apart from the rest is that they acknowledge doubts when they arise, and act anyway. They know the truth:

They won’t have all the answers.
They won’t be able to do things perfectly. They meet success when they act consistently.

If you are ready to make real progress towards your goals, here are some practical tips for overcoming roadblocks and sustaining momentum:

  • Make a concrete and actionable “to-do” list
  • Make sure that list is linked to your long-term goals (and not just busy work)
  • Start with something small and achievable
  • Make time to plan your week and map out when you will work on specific tasks
  • Share your goals and daily “to-do’s” with an accountability partner

To see how you are doing in the goal achievement process, take this quick 8 question quiz to learn your Strategic Vision Mastery Score!

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