3 Reasons Progress Monitoring Is Essential For Your Organization

3 Reasons Progress Monitoring Is Essential For Your Organization

As the leader of your team, you undoubtedly understand the importance of having a strategic plan outlining the goals and vision of your organization. If not, don’t worry! I have tons of blog content with all of the strategic planning information your heart could desire! 

Alright, now that we’ve established the foundational importance of goal setting and planning, you might be wondering, “What are we supposed to DO with the goals we’ve set and plans we’ve made AFTER they’ve been created?” 

Great question! I’ve got two words for you: 

Progress Monitoring. 

The term “progress monitoring” refers to the process of data collection and analysis through which you and your team are able to clearly identify whether or not you are reaching your goals. It helps you to assess whether or not your resources (time, energy, money, etc.) are being used in a productive way. 

In other words, are you making progress? 

Although a simple concept, you’d be surprised how many people (and large organizations) forget this very important step. 

You see, we are often good at setting goals, but it’s easy to forget to review those goals and the steps being taken to achieve them on a regular and consistent basis. 

Things get busy. I get it. 

SO – what’s the big deal about progress monitoring? Why is it so important to make time for progress monitoring even in the busiest of seasons?

  • Progress monitoring is the only way you can truly evaluate the effectiveness of your work.

    Think about it this way…if you set a goal to fundraise a specific amount for your organization, how will you know if your fundraising strategy is effective? You would track the data. Monitor the number of phone calls, meetings, conversations, etc. along with the money being collected from those meetings. Is the ratio appropriate? Are the meetings working for you?

    If so, fantastic! Keep up the great work! If not, it’s probably time to try another approach. This kind of intentional work is only possible when you take time to monitor your progress.

  • Progress monitoring saves you time. If you are consistently collecting information and data regarding the systems and processes your organization is using to achieve your goals, you will be able to identify which activities are serving your organization and which are “time-wasters.”

    Once you’ve done the work to identify the time-wasting activities, get rid of them! Try a different approach until you find the most effective path to achievement.
  • Progress monitoring saves your organization money. Every year, organizations spend countless dollars on tools, technology platforms, and other resources that don’t actually benefit the overall work of the organization. You may be wondering:

    “Why would they do that? That doesn’t make sense!”

    In truth, throwing away money and resources on ineffective tools is rarely an intentional choice. Most of the time, it’s done without true knowledge or consideration of what is being wasted.

    Here’s where progress monitoring comes into play: if your organization is routinely evaluating your processes and the tools you use to complete your work, you’ll have a more precise knowledge of which resources are helpful and necessary and which can be let go. 

Progress monitoring is essential for all organizations. If you’re finding yourself at a loss of where to begin establishing progress monitoring practices, I have an opportunity you don’t want to miss!

My Stress Free Strategic Planning Course + 4 Month Membership program will walk you through all of the nitty-gritty details of planning, data collection, and assessment. You’ll be given valuable tools and information in addition to targeted support from me as you start your strategic planning journey.

Click here to learn more!

Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx

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