3 Problems Keeping You From Achieving Your Goals & How To Fix Them

3 Problems Keeping You From Achieving Your Goals & How To Fix Them

Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck? Perhaps like you just aren’t making progress or seeing the growth you’d hoped for? 

It’s not that you don’t have goals, you do! But for some reason, achieving those goals hasn’t come as easily as you’d hoped. 

If this is feeling a little too familiar, don’t worry. Your experience is not entirely unique. In fact, it’s one that most of us share at one point or another. 

Here’s why: 

Simply having a goal does not guarantee achievement. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if that were true? We would all be incredibly productive! Unfortunately, however, there’s a little more that goes into goal achievement than simply identifying a goal. 

This probably sounds obvious, and it is. However, many of us treat goal achievement as though it truly were that simple. We overlook important details or neglect essential routines and in doing so, keep ourselves from making progress. 

If you’ve been struggling, there’s a good chance you might be experiencing one of these three common problems: 

1. Lack of Clarity
Consider this your starting place. Before taking any actionable steps towards your goal, you must begin by clearly defining your goals. This involves more than simply articulating what your end goal is, but should also include clarity surrounding your motivations, the why behind your goal.

As you begin working, this initial clarity will serve as a reference and blueprint for your efforts as well as a much-needed shot of motivation in difficult moments.

Questions to Consider:

  • What is my overall goal? 
  • What are smaller benchmark goals I hope to achieve along the way? 
  • What does success look like? What does failure look like? 
  • Why is this a goal I am interested in achieving? 
  • What will it mean if I achieve my goal? 
  • How will my life/business be different if I do achieve my goal? If I don’t?
  • Can I accept either outcome wholeheartedly?

2. Poor Time Management
I don’t have enough time” is probably the most commonly used excuse for not achieving a goal. In reality, we all have the same 24 hours to work with. You, me, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates…we all have the exact same amount of time with which to work, live and achieve our goals.

It is not a question of whether or not you have enough time, but whether or not you are using the time you do have in the best possible way. Effective time management is essential if you hope to make any true progress. This means cutting back on time-wasting activities and planning your days more efficiently.

Questions to Consider:

  • How am I currently spending my days? What does my schedule look like? 
  • How much time am I spending on essential activities? (Work, meal prep etc.) 
  • How much time am I spending on nonessential activities? (Social media, Netflix etc.) 
  • What distractions interrupt my work time? What tools can I use to cut down on those distractions? 
  • Am I willing to make the changes necessary?

3. Forgetting The Data
It’s difficult to continue making progress if you are not taking the time to regularly measure the effectiveness of your efforts. That’s right, I’m talking about data collection.

Let me give you an example: if you are trying to lose weight, but you never hop on a scale to check your progress, how will you know if your diet and exercise are helping? The short answer…you won’t. Conversely, if you commit to a weekly weight check, you’ll be able to monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed. Your time and efforts will ultimately be better spent.

The same is true for any goal. It’s important to measure your progress incrementally along the way in order to keep yourself on track. 

Questions to Consider:

  • What small benchmark goals can I identify to keep me on track towards my larger goal? 
  • What assessment tools can I use to measure my progress? 
  • How often will I collect new data? 
  • What will I do with the data once it has been collected? 
  • Who can help me understand my results and refine my approach when I get “stuck” or confused?

Goal achievement is a process. It takes time, effort, commitment and a willingness to adjust along the way. If you’ve struggled in achieving a goal, consider whether or not one of these three common obstacles could be standing in your way. 

What is one habit or ritual that has helped you stay focused on achieving your goals? Let me know in the comment box below! 

Article was contributed by: Maria Lees, Team Writer with Sarah Boxx

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